This is the complete list of members for gs::GraphDB, including all inherited members.
app_factories_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
app_paths_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
Close() | gs::GraphDB | |
compact_thread_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
compact_thread_running_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
config() const | gs::GraphDB | inline |
config_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
contexts_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
CreateApp(uint8_t app_type, int thread_id) | gs::GraphDB | |
get() | gs::GraphDB | static |
get_vertex_id_column(uint8_t label) const | gs::GraphDB | inline |
get_vertex_property_column(uint8_t label, const std::string &col_name) const | gs::GraphDB | inline |
GetAppInfo(Encoder &result) | gs::GraphDB | |
getExecutedQueryNum() const | gs::GraphDB | private |
GetInsertTransaction(int thread_id=0) | gs::GraphDB | |
GetLastCompactionTimestamp() const | gs::GraphDB | |
GetReadTransaction(int thread_id=0) | gs::GraphDB | |
GetSession(int thread_id) | gs::GraphDB | |
GetSession(int thread_id) const | gs::GraphDB | |
GetSingleEdgeInsertTransaction(int thread_id=0) | gs::GraphDB | |
GetSingleVertexInsertTransaction(int thread_id=0) | gs::GraphDB | |
GetUpdateTransaction(int thread_id=0) | gs::GraphDB | |
graph() const | gs::GraphDB | inline |
graph() | gs::GraphDB | inline |
graph_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
GraphDB() | gs::GraphDB | |
GraphDBSession class | gs::GraphDB | friend |
ingestWals(IWalParser &parser, const std::string &work_dir, int thread_num) | gs::GraphDB | private |
initApps(const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::pair< std::string, uint8_t >> &plugins) | gs::GraphDB | private |
last_compaction_ts_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
monitor_thread_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
monitor_thread_running_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
Open(const Schema &schema, const std::string &data_dir, int32_t thread_num=1, bool warmup=false, bool memory_only=true, bool enable_auto_compaction=false) | gs::GraphDB | |
Open(const GraphDBConfig &config) | gs::GraphDB | |
openWalAndCreateContexts(const GraphDBConfig &config, const std::string &data_dir, MemoryStrategy allocator_strategy) | gs::GraphDB | private |
OutputCypherProfiles(const std::string &prefix) | gs::GraphDB | |
registerApp(const std::string &path, uint8_t index=0) | gs::GraphDB | private |
schema() const | gs::GraphDB | inline |
SessionNum() const | gs::GraphDB | |
showAppMetrics() const | gs::GraphDB | private |
thread_num_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
UpdateCompactionTimestamp(timestamp_t ts) | gs::GraphDB | |
version_manager_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
work_dir() const | gs::GraphDB | inline |
work_dir_ | gs::GraphDB | private |
~GraphDB() | gs::GraphDB | |