#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is referred and derived from project NetworkX
# which has the following license:
# Copyright (C) 2004-2020, NetworkX Developers
# Aric Hagberg <[email protected]>
# Dan Schult <[email protected]>
# Pieter Swart <[email protected]>
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of NetworkX.
# NetworkX is distributed under a BSD license; see LICENSE.txt for more
# information.
import networkx as nxa
from graphscope import nx
from graphscope.framework.errors import UnimplementedError
from graphscope.nx import NetworkXError
from graphscope.nx.generators.classic import complete_graph
from graphscope.nx.generators.classic import cycle_graph
from graphscope.nx.generators.classic import empty_graph
from graphscope.nx.generators.classic import path_graph
from graphscope.nx.utils.compat import patch_docstring
__all__ = [
def make_small_undirected_graph(graph_description, create_using=None):
Return a small undirected graph described by graph_description.
See make_small_graph.
G = empty_graph(0, create_using)
if G.is_directed():
raise NetworkXError("Directed Graph not supported")
return make_small_graph(graph_description, G)
def make_small_graph(graph_description, create_using=None):
if graph_description[0] not in ("adjacencylist", "edgelist"):
raise NetworkXError("ltype must be either adjacencylist or edgelist")
ltype = graph_description[0]
name = graph_description[1]
n = graph_description[2]
G = empty_graph(n, create_using)
nodes = G.nodes()
if ltype == "adjacencylist":
adjlist = graph_description[3]
if len(adjlist) != n:
raise NetworkXError("invalid graph_description")
G.add_edges_from([(u - 1, v) for v in nodes for u in adjlist[v]])
elif ltype == "edgelist":
edgelist = graph_description[3]
for e in edgelist:
v1 = e[0] - 1
v2 = e[1] - 1
if v1 < 0 or v1 > n - 1 or v2 < 0 or v2 > n - 1:
raise NetworkXError("invalid graph_description")
G.add_edge(v1, v2)
G.name = name
return G
def LCF_graph(n, shift_list, repeats, create_using=None):
if n <= 0:
return empty_graph(0, create_using)
# start with the n-cycle
G = cycle_graph(n, create_using)
if G.is_directed():
raise NetworkXError("Directed Graph not supported")
G.name = "LCF_graph"
nodes = sorted(list(G))
n_extra_edges = repeats * len(shift_list)
# edges are added n_extra_edges times
# (not all of these need be new)
if n_extra_edges < 1:
return G
for i in range(n_extra_edges):
shift = shift_list[i % len(shift_list)] # cycle through shift_list
v1 = nodes[i % n] # cycle repeatedly through nodes
v2 = nodes[(i + shift) % n]
G.add_edge(v1, v2)
return G
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Various small and named graphs
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def bull_graph(create_using=None):
description = [
"Bull Graph",
[[2, 3], [1, 3, 4], [1, 2, 5], [2], [3]],
G = make_small_undirected_graph(description, create_using)
return G
def chvatal_graph(create_using=None):
description = [
"Chvatal Graph",
[2, 5, 7, 10],
[3, 6, 8],
[4, 7, 9],
[5, 8, 10],
[6, 9],
[11, 12],
[11, 12],
[9, 12],
[11, 12],
G = make_small_undirected_graph(description, create_using)
return G
def cubical_graph(create_using=None):
description = [
"Platonic Cubical Graph",
[2, 4, 5],
[1, 3, 8],
[2, 4, 7],
[1, 3, 6],
[1, 6, 8],
[4, 5, 7],
[3, 6, 8],
[2, 5, 7],
G = make_small_undirected_graph(description, create_using)
return G
def desargues_graph(create_using=None):
G = LCF_graph(20, [5, -5, 9, -9], 5, create_using)
G.name = "Desargues Graph"
return G
def diamond_graph(create_using=None):
description = [
"Diamond Graph",
[[2, 3], [1, 3, 4], [1, 2, 4], [2, 3]],
G = make_small_undirected_graph(description, create_using)
return G
def dodecahedral_graph(create_using=None):
G = LCF_graph(20, [10, 7, 4, -4, -7, 10, -4, 7, -7, 4], 2, create_using)
G.name = "Dodecahedral Graph"
return G
def frucht_graph(create_using=None):
G = cycle_graph(7, create_using)
[0, 7],
[1, 7],
[2, 8],
[3, 9],
[4, 9],
[5, 10],
[6, 10],
[7, 11],
[8, 11],
[8, 9],
[10, 11],
G.name = "Frucht Graph"
return G
def heawood_graph(create_using=None):
G = LCF_graph(14, [5, -5], 7, create_using)
G.name = "Heawood Graph"
return G
def hoffman_singleton_graph():
"""Return the Hoffman-Singleton Graph."""
raise UnimplementedError("hoffman_singleton_graph not support in graphscope.nx")
def house_graph(create_using=None):
description = [
"House Graph",
[[2, 3], [1, 4], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3, 5], [3, 4]],
G = make_small_undirected_graph(description, create_using)
return G
def house_x_graph(create_using=None):
description = [
"House-with-X-inside Graph",
[[2, 3, 4], [1, 3, 4], [1, 2, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 5], [3, 4]],
G = make_small_undirected_graph(description, create_using)
return G
def icosahedral_graph(create_using=None):
description = [
"Platonic Icosahedral Graph",
[2, 6, 8, 9, 12],
[3, 6, 7, 9],
[4, 7, 9, 10],
[5, 7, 10, 11],
[6, 7, 11, 12],
[7, 12],
[9, 10, 11, 12],
G = make_small_undirected_graph(description, create_using)
return G
def krackhardt_kite_graph(create_using=None):
description = [
"Krackhardt Kite Social Network",
[2, 3, 4, 6],
[1, 4, 5, 7],
[1, 4, 6],
[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7],
[2, 4, 7],
[1, 3, 4, 7, 8],
[2, 4, 5, 6, 8],
[6, 7, 9],
[8, 10],
G = make_small_undirected_graph(description, create_using)
return G
def moebius_kantor_graph(create_using=None):
G = LCF_graph(16, [5, -5], 8, create_using)
G.name = "Moebius-Kantor Graph"
return G
def octahedral_graph(create_using=None):
description = [
"Platonic Octahedral Graph",
[[2, 3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 6], [5, 6], [5, 6], [6], []],
G = make_small_undirected_graph(description, create_using)
return G
def pappus_graph():
G = LCF_graph(18, [5, 7, -7, 7, -7, -5], 3)
G.name = "Pappus Graph"
return G
def petersen_graph(create_using=None):
description = [
"Petersen Graph",
[2, 5, 6],
[1, 3, 7],
[2, 4, 8],
[3, 5, 9],
[4, 1, 10],
[1, 8, 9],
[2, 9, 10],
[3, 6, 10],
[4, 6, 7],
[5, 7, 8],
G = make_small_undirected_graph(description, create_using)
return G
def sedgewick_maze_graph(create_using=None):
G = empty_graph(0, create_using)
G.add_edges_from([[0, 2], [0, 7], [0, 5]])
G.add_edges_from([[1, 7], [2, 6]])
G.add_edges_from([[3, 4], [3, 5]])
G.add_edges_from([[4, 5], [4, 7], [4, 6]])
G.name = "Sedgewick Maze"
return G
def tetrahedral_graph(create_using=None):
G = complete_graph(4, create_using)
G.name = "Platonic Tetrahedral graph"
return G
def truncated_cube_graph(create_using=None):
description = [
"Truncated Cube Graph",
[2, 3, 5],
[12, 15],
[4, 5],
[7, 9],
[17, 19],
[8, 9],
[11, 13],
[18, 21],
[12, 13],
[22, 23],
[20, 24],
[18, 19],
G = make_small_undirected_graph(description, create_using)
return G
def truncated_tetrahedron_graph(create_using=None):
G = path_graph(12, create_using)
# G.add_edges_from([(1,3),(1,10),(2,7),(4,12),(5,12),(6,8),(9,11)])
G.add_edges_from([(0, 2), (0, 9), (1, 6), (3, 11), (4, 11), (5, 7), (8, 10)])
G.name = "Truncated Tetrahedron Graph"
return G
def tutte_graph(create_using=None):
description = [
"Tutte's Graph",
[2, 3, 4],
[5, 27],
[11, 12],
[19, 20],
[6, 34],
[7, 30],
[8, 28],
[9, 15],
[10, 39],
[11, 38],
[13, 40],
[14, 36],
[15, 16],
[17, 23],
[18, 45],
[19, 44],
[21, 46],
[22, 42],
[23, 24],
[25, 28],
[26, 33],
[27, 32],
[30, 33],
[32, 34],
[36, 39],
[38, 40],
[42, 45],
[44, 46],
G = make_small_undirected_graph(description, create_using)
return G