Source code for graphscope.framework.graph_builder

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 Alibaba Group Holding Limited. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Mapping
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Type
from typing import Union

    import vineyard
except (ImportError, TypeError):
    vineyard = None

from graphscope.client.session import get_default_session
from graphscope.framework import dag_utils
from graphscope.framework import utils
from graphscope.framework.graph import Graph
from graphscope.framework.graph_utils import LoaderVariants
from graphscope.framework.graph_utils import VineyardObjectTypes
from graphscope.framework.graph_utils import normalize_parameter_edges
from graphscope.framework.graph_utils import normalize_parameter_vertices
from graphscope.proto import graph_def_pb2
from graphscope.proto import types_pb2

__all__ = ["load_from"]

[docs]def load_from( edges: Union[ Mapping[str, Union[LoaderVariants, Sequence, Mapping]], LoaderVariants, Sequence ], vertices: Union[ Mapping[str, Union[LoaderVariants, Sequence, Mapping]], LoaderVariants, Sequence, None, ] = None, directed=True, oid_type="int64_t", vid_type="uint64_t", generate_eid=True, retain_oid=True, vformat=None, eformat=None, vertex_map="global", compact_edges=False, use_perfect_hash=False, ) -> Graph: """Load a Arrow property graph using a list of vertex/edge specifications. .. deprecated:: version 0.3 Use :class:`graphscope.Graph()` instead. - Use Dict of tuples to setup a graph. We can use a dict to set vertex and edge configurations, which can be used to build graphs. Examples: .. code:: ipython g = graphscope_session.load_from( edges={ "group": [ ( "file:///home/admin/group.e", ["group_id", "member_size"], ("leader_student_id", "student"), ("member_student_id", "student"), ), ( "file:///home/admin/group_for_teacher_student.e", ["group_id", "group_name", "establish_date"], ("teacher_in_charge_id", "teacher"), ("member_student_id", "student"), ), ] }, vertices={ "student": ( "file:///home/admin/student.v", ["name", "lesson_nums", "avg_score"], "student_id", ), "teacher": ( "file:///home/admin/teacher.v", ["name", "salary", "age"], "teacher_id", ), }, ) 'e' is the label of edges, and 'v' is the label for vertices, edges are stored in the 'both_in_out' format edges with label 'e' linking from 'v' to 'v'. - Use Dict of dict to setup a graph. We can also give each element inside the tuple a meaningful name, makes it more understandable. Examples: .. code:: ipython g = graphscope_session.load_from( edges={ "group": [ { "loader": "file:///home/admin/group.e", "properties": ["group_id", "member_size"], "source": ("leader_student_id", "student"), "destination": ("member_student_id", "student"), }, { "loader": "file:///home/admin/group_for_teacher_student.e", "properties": ["group_id", "group_name", "establish_date"], "source": ("teacher_in_charge_id", "teacher"), "destination": ("member_student_id", "student"), }, ] }, vertices={ "student": { "loader": "file:///home/admin/student.v", "properties": ["name", "lesson_nums", "avg_score"], "vid": "student_id", }, "teacher": { "loader": "file:///home/admin/teacher.v", "properties": ["name", "salary", "age"], "vid": "teacher_id", }, }, ) Args: edges: Edge configuration of the graph vertices (optional): Vertices configurations of the graph. Defaults to None. If None, we assume all edge's src_label and dst_label are deduced and unambiguous. directed (bool, optional): Indicate whether the graph should be treated as directed or undirected. oid_type (str, optional): ID type of graph. Can be "int32_t", "int64_t" or "string". Defaults to "int64_t". vid_type (str, optional): Internal vertex ID type of graph. Can be "uint32_t" and "uint64_t". Defaults to "uint64_t". generate_eid (bool, optional): Whether to generate a unique edge id for each edge. Generated eid will be placed in third column. This feature is for cooperating with interactive engine. If you only need to work with analytical engine, set it to False. Defaults to True. retain_oid (bool, optional): Whether to keep the original ID column as the last column of vertex table. This feature is for cooperating with interactive engine. If you only need to work with analytical engine, set it to False. Defaults to True. vertex_map (str, optional): Indicate use global vertex map or local vertex map. Can be "global" or "local". compact_edges (bool, optional): Compact edges (CSR) using variant and delta encoding. Defaults to False. Note that compact edges helps to half the memory usage of edges in graph data structure, but may cause at most 10%~20% performance degeneration in some algorithms. use_perfect_hash (bool, optional): Use perfect hashmap in vertex map to optimize the memory usage. Defaults to False. """ # Don't import the :code:`nx` in top-level statements to improve the # performance of :code:`import graphscope`. from graphscope import nx sess = get_default_session() if isinstance(edges, (Graph, nx.Graph, *VineyardObjectTypes)): return sess.g(edges) oid_type = utils.normalize_data_type_str(oid_type) if oid_type not in ("int32_t", "int64_t", "std::string"): raise ValueError("oid_type can only be int32_t, int64_t or string.") vid_type = utils.normalize_data_type_str(vid_type) if vid_type not in ("uint32_t", "uint64_t"): raise ValueError("vid_type can only be uint32_t or uint64_t.") v_labels = normalize_parameter_vertices(vertices, oid_type, vformat) e_labels = normalize_parameter_edges(edges, oid_type, eformat) # generate and add a loader op to dag loader_op = dag_utils.create_loader(v_labels + e_labels) sess.dag.add_op(loader_op) vertex_map = utils.vertex_map_type_to_enum(vertex_map) # construct create graph op config = { types_pb2.DIRECTED: utils.b_to_attr(directed), types_pb2.OID_TYPE: utils.s_to_attr(oid_type), types_pb2.VID_TYPE: utils.s_to_attr(vid_type), types_pb2.GENERATE_EID: utils.b_to_attr(generate_eid), types_pb2.RETAIN_OID: utils.b_to_attr(retain_oid), types_pb2.IS_FROM_VINEYARD_ID: utils.b_to_attr(False), types_pb2.IS_FROM_GAR: utils.b_to_attr(False), types_pb2.VERTEX_MAP_TYPE: utils.i_to_attr(vertex_map), types_pb2.COMPACT_EDGES: utils.b_to_attr(compact_edges), types_pb2.USE_PERFECT_HASH: utils.b_to_attr(use_perfect_hash), } op = dag_utils.create_graph( sess.session_id, graph_def_pb2.ARROW_PROPERTY, inputs=[loader_op], attrs=config ) graph = sess.g( op, oid_type=oid_type, vid_type=vid_type, directed=directed, generate_eid=generate_eid, retain_oid=retain_oid, vertex_map=vertex_map, compact_edges=compact_edges, use_perfect_hash=use_perfect_hash, ) return graph