Deploy GraphScope with helm

This guide provides instructions for deploying GraphScope using helm, a popular package manager for Kubernetes.

This method is ideal for developers who are already familiar with helm and want to automate the deployment process, as well as for those who need better support for versioning and managing the deployment of GraphScope.


Before deploying GraphScope with helm, you will need the following:

  • A Kubernetes cluster

  • Helm

If you do not have a Kubernetes cluster, you can follow the instructions in deploy_graphscope_on_self_managed_k8s to create one.

If you do not have helm installed, you can install it by following the instructions in Installing Helm.


We have published a chart to the artifact hub, which you can easily obtain by running the following commands:

helm repo add graphscope
helm repo update

For more information on the repo command, see the helm repo documentation.

Once you have added the chart to your repository, you can install it by running the following command:

# helm install <release-name> graphscope/graphscope
# Replace <release-name> to the name of this release, use `my-gs` for illustration.
helm install my-gs graphscope/graphscope

For more information on the install command, see the helm install documentation.

Note that it may take a few minutes to pull the image the first time you run this command. You can monitor the status by executing helm test multiple times:

# After installation, you can check service availability by:
helm test my-gs

After the helm test shows that the installation was succeed, it would print out the informations to connect to the GraphScope. After which you could copy and paste the instructions to save the connection informations to the environment variables. You could also get the endpoints of GraphScope by

helm status my-gs

When the service type is NotePort, a sample output will be

 export NODE_IP=$(kubectl --namespace default  get pod -l -ojsonpath="{.items[0].status.hostIP}")
  export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl --namespace default get services coordinator-service-my-gs  -ojsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}")
  echo "GraphScope service listen on ${NODE_IP}:${NODE_PORT}"

Connect to GraphScope

You’ll need graphscope-client package to import graphscope.

Since the GraphScope has been running in the cluster, you only need to connect to it. Other than the connection procedure, other statements are identical to those GraphScope clusters launched by Python client.


If you meet connection problems with minikube, try getting the service name and exposing the service like this:

# kubectl get services
minikube service coordinator-service-<release-name> --url

For more usage, you could refer to minikube’s accessing tutorial.

import graphscope
sess = graphscope.session(addr='<ip>:<port>')

# Load an empty graph to get started
g = sess.g()
# create an interactive instance
interactive = graphscope.gremlin(g)

The param addr is an endpoint for connecting a pre-launched service. The <ip> and <port> is the connection information you get from previous step.

Note that only one session can be connected to the service at the same time, but you can reconnect the same service after session close.


In helm installation, the sess.close() doesn’t remove the resources (pods, services, etc.) of GraphScope, since the resources are managed by helm. The close only disconnect current session from the backend.

It also means you could connect to the same GraphScope service after a while.

To remove the resources, use helm uninstall. See next section for details.

# sess = graphscope.session(addr='<ip>:<port>')
sess2 = graphscope.session(addr='<ip>:<port>')

See create a session for command documentation.

Uninstall the release

helm uninstall my-gs

This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release. See helm uninstall for helm uninstall command documentation.


See Customizing the Chart Before Installing.

To see all configurable options with detailed comments, visit the chart’s values.yaml, or run these configuration commands:

helm show values graphscope/graphscope

And you could see more details in the homepage of graphscope charts.

Offline Installation

While it’s convenient to install graphscope by querying the remote repository, users may want to use it in some environment that doesn’t have internet access. Or user may want to make some customization of the charts before installation.

To cater these needs, We provide two ways to install graphscope by helm without internet access.

  1. you can download the charts file:


Then, copy the package to the server, unzip, and install graphscope charts.

tar zxvf graphscope-0.20.0.tgz
helm install my-gs ./graphscope
  1. You could clone the repo of GraphScope to get the source code of the charts

git clone
cd GraphScope/charts
helm install my-gs ./graphscope