The Administrative tool#

gs_interactive is a command-line tool designed to manage various aspects of GraphScope Interactive. This document provides a comprehensive guide on how to utilize its functionalities.


gs_interactive is organized into the following sections:

  1. root: Without any specific option, this is used to initialize and destroy the docker image for GraphScope Interactive.

  2. database: Handles all data-related operations, such as creating/removing graphs and importing data.

  3. service: Manages the GraphScope Interactive service.

  4. procedure: Manages the stored procedures of GraphScope Interactive.

Detailed Usage#

Root Commands#

  • gs_interactive -h (--help): Showing help message.

  • gs_interactive init -c (--config) interactive.yaml: Initializes the docker image for GraphScope Interactive. If the image isn’t present, it will be downloaded. This command also configures volume and port mappings.

  • gs_interactive destroy: Destroys the docker image of GraphScope Interactive. This action will erase all data and is irreversible.

Service Commands#

  • gs_interactive service -h (--help): Showing help message.

  • gs_interactive service start [-g (--graph) <graph_name>] [-c (--config) config.yaml]: Starts the service with a specified graph and optional configurations. If no graph is provided, the default “modern” graph will be used.

  • gs_interactive service restart [-c (--config) config.yaml]: Restarts the service with optional configurations.

  • gs_interactive service stop: Stops the service.

  • gs_interactive service status: Checks the status (the entry) of the service.

Database Commands#

  • gs_interactive database -h (--help)

  • gs_interactive database create -g (--graph) <graph_name> -c (--config) schema.yaml: Creates a graph with the given name and schema. The graph name must be unique within GraphScope Interactive.

  • gs_interactive database remove -g (--graph) <graph_name>: Removes the specified graph. The currently running graph must be stopped before it can be removed.

  • gs_interactive database import -g (--graph) <graph_name> -c (--config) loading.yaml: Imports raw data for the given graph. The currently running graph must be stopped before data can be imported, as this will overwrite the existing data.

Procedure Commands#

  • gs_interactive procedure -h (--help)

  • gs_interactive procedure compile -g (--graph) <graph_name> [-n (--name) <proc_name>] [-d (--desc) <description>] -i (--input) <input_file/folder> [--compile_only]: Compiles (and enables by default) a given input file (or files in the input folder). If -n isn’t provided, the file name will be used as the stored procedure’s name. Without the -d option, an empty description will be used.

  • gs_interactive procedure enable -g (--graph) <graph_name> -c (--config) stored_procedures.yaml: Enables the specified stored procedures.

  • gs_interactive procedure disable -g (--graph) <graph_name> [-a (--all)] -c (--config) stored_procedures.yaml: Disables the provided (or all) stored procedures.

  • gs_interactive procedure show -g (--graph) <graph_name>: Displays all enabled stored procedures along with their metadata, including names and descriptions.