A Generic Graph Optimizer for GIE

We have developed a versatile graph optimizer for the Graph Interactive Engine (GIE), capable of optimizing the execution for multiple query languages in GraphScope, including Gremlin and Cypher. This optimizer is built upon the Apache Calcite framework, traditionally focused on relational databases, but now extended to accommodate graph databases by incorporating graph-specific operations and rules. The optimizer consists of two main components: the Rule-based Optimizer (RBO) and the Cost-based Optimizer (CBO). Like their relational counterparts, both RBO and CBO utilize pre-registered rules for transformation and path optimization, either through heuristic methods or cost estimation. However, our optimizer differs from standard relational optimizers in two key aspects:

  1. Graph-specific Rules: Our optimizer integrates rules for specific graph operators within Graph and Relational databases, allowing for true optimization where Graph and Relational structures coexist. Relational operators directly benefit from the reuse of existing SQL rules.

  2. High-Order Statistics in CBO: Our Cost-Based Optimizer (CBO) utilizes sophisticated statistical models grounded in graph structures, providing more accurate cardinality estimates compared to conventional optimizers. The foundational work for our CBO primarily stems from the research presented in GlogS, which was published at ATC 2023. This research has been instrumental in enhancing the efficacy of graph pattern matching, setting a new standard for optimization in graph databases.

Rule-based Optimizer (RBO)

Rule Name



Pushes filter conditions to graph operators in Match.


Uses pre-calculated degrees of vertices from graph storage.


Converts Where Not queries into anti-joins.


Removes unnecessary aliases or properties.

This table offers a concise overview of the existing rules for RBO. Each rule is designed to optimize graph query performance by transforming the way queries are processed and executed. Examples of how these rules conceptually affect the execution of queries are detailed as follows. Note that we use Cypher as the query language for demonstration purposes, but the rules apply to Gremlin as well.


This rule pushes filter conditions down to individual graph operators within a Match clause. For example:

Match (p1:PERSON)-[:KNOWS]->(p2:PERSON)
Where p1.id = $id1 and p2.id = $id2
Return p1, p2;


Match (p1:PERSON {id: $id1})-[:KNOWS]->(p2:PERSON {id: $id2})
Return p1, p2;

following the push-down, splitting the Where clause to filter directly at the vertices p1 and p2.


The DegreeFusionRule capitalizes on the fact that most graph storage systems already maintain the count of neighbors (i.e., the degree) for each vertex. For example:

Match (p1:PERSON {id: $id1})-[]->(p2)
Return p1, COUNT(p2);

With this rule applied, instead of individually counting each neighbor of p1, we can directly obtain p1’s degree, streamlining the process considerably. This optimization effectively utilizes preexisting graph data structures to expedite query execution.


This rule converts queries containing Where Not clauses into the equivalent anti-join structures, where the anti-join is a relational operator that returns all rows from the left table that fail to match with the right table. Consider the following query:

Match (p1:PERSON)-[:KNOWS]->(:PERSON)-[:KNOWS]->(p2:PERSON)
Where Not (p1)-[:KNOWS]->(p2)
Return p1, p2;

Under this rule, the query is transformed to:

Match (p1:PERSON)-[:KNOWS]->(:PERSON)-[:KNOWS]->(p2:PERSON)
<Anti Join>
Match (p1)-[:KNOWS]->(p2)
Return p1, p2;

Here, <Anti Join> serves as a conceptual operator, used here to effectively illustrate how the original query’s intent is preserved while enhancing its execution efficiency.


Removes unnecessary aliases or properties, reducing data processing. Consider:

Match (p1:PERSON)-[k1:KNOWS]->(p2:PERSON)-[k2:KNOWS]->(p3:PERSON)
Return p1.name;

Here, only p1.name is required in the output, making aliases like k1, k2, and properties of p2, p3 redundant. This rule optimizes to retain only necessary data, significantly reducing the volume of the intermediate results.

Cost-based Optimizer (CBO)


Graph Type Inference

Traditional SQL only provides checks and inference for basic data types, such as int, double, string, boolean, etc. However, graph databases encompass more complex types. Beyond basic data types, they introduce special vertex and edge types. Vertex types constrain the range of entity types within the graph, while edge types constrain relationships between entities. While the introduction of vertex and edge types in graph databases provides a more flexible data model, it simultaneously adds complexity to the data, necessitating type checks and inference for graph data.

We address this complexity through Graph Type Inference, offering functionality for type checks and inference for graph data. This feature examines whether vertex and edge types in graph data adhere to user-defined schemas and can infer vertex and edge types, laying the groundwork for subsequent optimizations in graph queries.

Taking the example of a modern graph schema, which includes the following vertex and edge types:

# Vertex types
person (name, age)
software (name, lang)

# Edge types
knows (weight)
created (weight)

Graph Type Inference provides the following capabilities:

  • Checking if vertex and edge types in the graph conform to user-defined schemas:

    • Reporting errors for nonexistent vertex or edge types:

      # 'per' is a nonexistent vertex type
      Match (a:per) Return a;
      # 'kno' is a nonexistent edge type
      Match (a:person)-[b:kno]->(c) Return a, b, c;
    • Reporting errors for nonexistent properties or mismatched property types in vertices or edges:

      # The 'lang' property does not exist in vertices of type 'person'
      Match (a:person {lang: 'java'}) Return a;
      # The 'name' property in vertices of type 'person' is of type string, cannot perform addition
      Match (a:person) Return a.name + 1;
    • Reporting errors for invalid paths composed of vertices and edges:

      # There is no edge of type 'created' between vertices of type 'person'
      Match (a:person)-[:created]->(b:person)
      # Vertices of type 'software' have no outgoing edges
      Match (a:software)-[b]->(c);
  • Inferring vertex and edge types in the graph:

    • Inferring vertex types given edge types:

      # (?)-[knows]->(?) => (person)-[knows]->(person)
      Match (a)-[:knows]->(b) Return labels(a), labels(b);
      # (?)-[knows*1..4]->(?) => (person)-[knows*1..2]->(person)
      Match (a)-[:knows*1..4]->(b) Return labels(a), labels(b);
    • Inferring edge types given vertex types:

      # (person)-[?]->(person) => (person)-[knows]->(person)
      Match (a:person)-[b]->(c:person) Return type(b);
    • Inferring all vertex and edge types given a path:

      # (?)-[?]->(?)->[?]->(software) => (person)-[knows]->(person)->[created]->(software)
      Match (a)-[b]->(c)-[d]->(:software) Return labels(a), type(b), labels(c), type(d);
    • Inferring across multiple sentences:

      # (?)-[]->(?), (?)-[knows]-(?) => (person)-[knows]-(person), (person)-[knows]-(person)
      Match (a)-[b]-(c), (a)-[:KNOWS]-(c) Return labels(a), type(b), labels(c);