Class ArrowFragment_cxx_0x999c91c4

    • Field Detail

      • SIZE

        public static final int SIZE
      • HASH_SHIFT

        public static final int HASH_SHIFT
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArrowFragment_cxx_0x999c91c4

        public ArrowFragment_cxx_0x999c91c4​(long address)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • directed

        public"directed") boolean directed()
        Specified by:
        directed in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
      • nativeDirected

        public static"directed") boolean nativeDirected​(long ptr)
      • edgeLabelNum

        public"edge_label_num") int edgeLabelNum()
        Specified by:
        edgeLabelNum in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
      • nativeEdgeLabelNum

        public static"edge_label_num") int nativeEdgeLabelNum​(long ptr)
      • edgePropertyNum

        public"edge_property_num") int edgePropertyNum​(int arg0)
        Specified by:
        edgePropertyNum in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
      • nativeEdgePropertyNum

        public static"edge_property_num") int nativeEdgePropertyNum​(long ptr,
                                                                                                       int arg00)
      • nativeFid

        public static int nativeFid​(long ptr)
      • nativeFnum

        public static int nativeFnum​(long ptr)
      • nativeGetDoubleData

        public static"GetData<double>") double nativeGetDoubleData​(long ptr,
                                                                                                      long arg00,
                                                                                                      int arg11)
      • nativeGetFragId

        public static"GetFragId") int nativeGetFragId​(long ptr,
                                                                                         long arg00)
      • nativeGetIncomingAdjList

        public static"GetIncomingAdjList"),,"gs::AdjListDefault<uint64_t>") long nativeGetIncomingAdjList​(long ptr,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            long rv_base,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            long arg00,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            int arg11)
      • nativeGetIncomingRawAdjList

        public static"GetIncomingRawAdjList"),,"gs::RawAdjListDefault<uint64_t>") long nativeGetIncomingRawAdjList​(long ptr,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     long rv_base,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     long arg00,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     int arg11)
      • getInnerVertex

        public"GetInnerVertex") boolean getInnerVertex​(int arg0,
                                                                                          Long arg1,
                                                                                          Vertex<Long> arg2)
        Description copied from interface: ArrowFragment
        Try to get oid's corresponding vertex, if not inner vertex, return false.
        Specified by:
        getInnerVertex in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
        arg0 - label id for vertex.
        arg1 - querying oid.
        arg2 - output vertex.
        true if operation succeed.
      • nativeGetInnerVertex

        public static"GetInnerVertex") boolean nativeGetInnerVertex​(long ptr,
                                                                                                       int arg00,
                                                                                                       long arg11,
                                                                                                       long arg22)
      • nativeGetInnerVertexGid

        public static"GetInnerVertexGid") long nativeGetInnerVertexGid​(long ptr,
                                                                                                          long arg00)
      • nativeGetInnerVertexOid

        public static"GetInnerVertexId") long nativeGetInnerVertexOid​(long ptr,
                                                                                                         long arg00)
      • getInnerVerticesNum

        public"GetInnerVerticesNum") long getInnerVerticesNum​(int arg0)
        Specified by:
        getInnerVerticesNum in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
      • nativeGetInnerVerticesNum

        public static"GetInnerVerticesNum") long nativeGetInnerVerticesNum​(long ptr,
                                                                                                              int arg00)
      • getIntData

        public"GetData<uint32_t>") int getIntData​(Vertex<Long> arg0,
                                                                                     int arg1)
        Specified by:
        getIntData in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
      • nativeGetIntData

        public static"GetData<uint32_t>") int nativeGetIntData​(long ptr,
                                                                                                  long arg00,
                                                                                                  int arg11)
      • nativeGetLocalInDegree

        public static"GetLocalInDegree") int nativeGetLocalInDegree​(long ptr,
                                                                                                       long arg00,
                                                                                                       int arg11)
      • nativeGetLocalOutDegree

        public static"GetLocalOutDegree") int nativeGetLocalOutDegree​(long ptr,
                                                                                                         long arg00,
                                                                                                         int arg11)
      • nativeGetLongData

        public static"GetData<uint64_t>") long nativeGetLongData​(long ptr,
                                                                                                    long arg00,
                                                                                                    int arg11)
      • getOid

        public Long getOid​(Vertex<Long> arg0)
        Description copied from interface: ArrowFragment
        Get vertex's oid with lid.
        Specified by:
        getOid in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
        arg0 - querying vertex
        original id for vertex
      • nativeGetOid

        public static"GetId"), long nativeGetOid​(long ptr,
                                                                                                                 long arg00)
      • nativeGetOuterVertex

        public static"GetOuterVertex") boolean nativeGetOuterVertex​(long ptr,
                                                                                                       int arg00,
                                                                                                       long arg11,
                                                                                                       long arg22)
      • nativeGetOuterVertexGid

        public static"GetOuterVertexGid") long nativeGetOuterVertexGid​(long ptr,
                                                                                                          long arg00)
      • nativeGetOuterVertexOid

        public static"GetOuterVertexId") long nativeGetOuterVertexOid​(long ptr,
                                                                                                         long arg00)
      • getOuterVerticesNum

        public"GetOuterVerticesNum") long getOuterVerticesNum​(int arg0)
        Specified by:
        getOuterVerticesNum in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
      • nativeGetOuterVerticesNum

        public static"GetOuterVerticesNum") long nativeGetOuterVerticesNum​(long ptr,
                                                                                                              int arg00)
      • nativeGetOutgoingAdjList

        public static"GetOutgoingAdjList"),,"gs::AdjListDefault<uint64_t>") long nativeGetOutgoingAdjList​(long ptr,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            long rv_base,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            long arg00,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            int arg11)
      • nativeGetOutgoingRawAdjList

        public static"GetOutgoingRawAdjList"),,"gs::RawAdjListDefault<uint64_t>") long nativeGetOutgoingRawAdjList​(long ptr,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     long rv_base,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     long arg00,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     int arg11)
      • getTotalNodesNum

        public"GetTotalNodesNum") int getTotalNodesNum()
        Specified by:
        getTotalNodesNum in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
      • nativeGetTotalNodesNum

        public static"GetTotalNodesNum") int nativeGetTotalNodesNum​(long ptr)
      • getTotalVerticesNum

        public"GetTotalVerticesNum") int getTotalVerticesNum()
        Specified by:
        getTotalVerticesNum in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
      • nativeGetTotalVerticesNum0

        public static"GetTotalVerticesNum") int nativeGetTotalVerticesNum0​(long ptr)
      • getTotalVerticesNum

        public"GetTotalVerticesNum") int getTotalVerticesNum​(int arg0)
        Specified by:
        getTotalVerticesNum in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
      • nativeGetTotalVerticesNum1

        public static"GetTotalVerticesNum") int nativeGetTotalVerticesNum1​(long ptr,
                                                                                                              int arg00)
      • getVertex

        public"GetVertex") boolean getVertex​(int arg0,
                                                                                Long arg1,
                                                                                Vertex<Long> arg2)
        Description copied from interface: ArrowFragment
        Get vertex's lid with oid provided, set int vertex.
        Specified by:
        getVertex in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
        arg0 - label for oid.
        arg1 - querying oid.
        arg2 - vertex handler
        true if vertex with original id oid exists in this fragment.
      • nativeGetVertex

        public static"GetVertex") boolean nativeGetVertex​(long ptr,
                                                                                             int arg00,
                                                                                             long arg11,
                                                                                             long arg22)
      • getVerticesNum

        public"GetVerticesNum") long getVerticesNum​(int arg0)
        Description copied from interface: ArrowFragment
        Get the number of vertices in this fragment, i.e. ivnum + ovnum.
        Specified by:
        getVerticesNum in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
        arg0 - vertex label id
        number of vertices labeled with labelId
      • nativeGetVerticesNum

        public static"GetVerticesNum") long nativeGetVerticesNum​(long ptr,
                                                                                                    int arg00)
      • nativeGid2Oid

        public static"Gid2Oid") long nativeGid2Oid​(long ptr,
                                                                                      long arg00)
      • nativeGid2Vertex

        public static"Gid2Vertex") boolean nativeGid2Vertex​(long ptr,
                                                                                               long arg00,
                                                                                               long arg11)
      • nativeHasChild

        public static"HasChild") boolean nativeHasChild​(long ptr,
                                                                                           long arg00,
                                                                                           int arg11)
      • nativeHasParent

        public static"HasParent") boolean nativeHasParent​(long ptr,
                                                                                             long arg00,
                                                                                             int arg11)
      • nativeInnerVertexGid2Vertex

        public static"InnerVertexGid2Vertex") boolean nativeInnerVertexGid2Vertex​(long ptr,
                                                                                                                     long arg00,
                                                                                                                     long arg11)
      • nativeInnerVertices

        public static"InnerVertices"),,"grape::VertexRange<uint64_t>") long nativeInnerVertices​(long ptr,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  long rv_base,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  int arg00)
      • nativeIsInnerVertex

        public static"IsInnerVertex") boolean nativeIsInnerVertex​(long ptr,
                                                                                                     long arg00)
      • nativeIsOuterVertex

        public static"IsOuterVertex") boolean nativeIsOuterVertex​(long ptr,
                                                                                                     long arg00)
      • nativeOid2Gid

        public static"Oid2Gid") boolean nativeOid2Gid​(long ptr,
                                                                                         int arg00,
                                                                                         long arg11,
                                                                                         long arg22)
      • nativeOuterVertexGid2Vertex

        public static"OuterVertexGid2Vertex") boolean nativeOuterVertexGid2Vertex​(long ptr,
                                                                                                                     long arg00,
                                                                                                                     long arg11)
      • nativeOuterVertices

        public static"OuterVertices"),,"grape::VertexRange<uint64_t>") long nativeOuterVertices​(long ptr,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  long rv_base,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  int arg00)
      • nativeVertex2Gid

        public static"Vertex2Gid") long nativeVertex2Gid​(long ptr,
                                                                                            long arg00)
      • nativeVertexLabel

        public static"vertex_label") int nativeVertexLabel​(long ptr,
                                                                                              long arg00)
      • vertexLabelNum

        public"vertex_label_num") int vertexLabelNum()
        Specified by:
        vertexLabelNum in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
      • nativeVertexLabelNum

        public static"vertex_label_num") int nativeVertexLabelNum​(long ptr)
      • nativeVertexOffset

        public static"vertex_offset") long nativeVertexOffset​(long ptr,
                                                                                                 long arg00)
      • vertexPropertyNum

        public"vertex_property_num") int vertexPropertyNum​(int arg0)
        Specified by:
        vertexPropertyNum in interface ArrowFragment<Long>
      • nativeVertexPropertyNum

        public static"vertex_property_num") int nativeVertexPropertyNum​(long ptr,
                                                                                                           int arg00)
      • nativeVertices

        public static"Vertices"),,"grape::VertexRange<uint64_t>") long nativeVertices​(long ptr,
                                                                                                                                                                                        long rv_base,
                                                                                                                                                                                        int arg00)