
graphscope.nx.generators.directed.scale_free_graph(n, alpha=0.41, beta=0.54, gamma=0.05, delta_in=0.2, delta_out=0, create_using=None, seed=None)[source]

Returns a scale-free directed graph.

  • n (integer) – Number of nodes in graph

  • alpha (float) – Probability for adding a new node connected to an existing node chosen randomly according to the in-degree distribution.

  • beta (float) – Probability for adding an edge between two existing nodes. One existing node is chosen randomly according the in-degree distribution and the other chosen randomly according to the out-degree distribution.

  • gamma (float) – Probability for adding a new node connected to an existing node chosen randomly according to the out-degree distribution.

  • delta_in (float) – Bias for choosing nodes from in-degree distribution.

  • delta_out (float) – Bias for choosing nodes from out-degree distribution.

  • create_using (NetworkX graph constructor, optional) – The default is a MultiDiGraph 3-cycle. If a graph instance, use it without clearing first. If a graph constructor, call it to construct an empty graph.

  • seed (integer, random_state, or None (default)) – Indicator of random number generation state. See Randomness.


Create a scale-free graph on one hundred nodes:

>>> G = nx.scale_free_graph(100)


The sum of alpha, beta, and gamma must be 1.
