
graphscope.nx.generators.classic.lollipop_graph(m, n, create_using=None)[source]

Returns the Lollipop Graph; K_m connected to P_n.

This is the Barbell Graph without the right barbell.

  • m (int or iterable container of nodes (default = 0)) –

    If an integer, nodes are from range(m) and range(m,m+n). If a container, the entries are the coordinate of the node.

    The nodes for m appear in the complete graph Km and the nodes for n appear in the path Pn

  • n (int or iterable container of nodes (default = 0)) –

    If an integer, nodes are from range(m) and range(m,m+n). If a container, the entries are the coordinate of the node.

    The nodes for m appear in the complete graph Km and the nodes for n appear in the path Pn

  • create_using (NetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph)) – Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated.


The 2 subgraphs are joined via an edge (m-1, m). If n=0, this is merely a complete graph.

(This graph is an extremal example in David Aldous and Jim Fill’s etext on Random Walks on Graphs.)