Stored Procedures

Stored procedures in GraphScope Interactive offer a powerful way to encapsulate and reuse complex graph operations. This document provides a guide on how to compile, enable, and manage these procedures. We will take movies graph for example.


  • For the following command, If -g {graph_name} is not given, the default modern graph will be used.

Compiling a Stored Procedure

To compile a stored procedure, use the following command:

bin/gs_interactive procedure compile \
	-g {graph_name} \  # the graph **must** be specified
	-n stored_procedure_1 \  # name of the stored procedure
	-d "Description of the stored procedure's functionality" \
	-i stored_procedure_1.cypher  # input file containing the Cypher code


  • The -g flag is indicates the graph associated with the stored procedure. If this option is not specified, the built-in modern graph will be used.

  • While the -n flag, which names the stored procedure, is optional, omitting it will default the procedure’s name to that of the input file.

  • With the -i flag, you can either input a Cypher code file, or a C++ code file, or an entire directory. For comprehensive guidelines on crafting stored procedures in GraphScope Interactive using both Cypher and C++, refer to the Cypher procedure and C++ procedure documentation.

  • If you opt to use the -i flag for specifying an entire directory, all files within that directory will be compiled. In such scenarios, the -n and -d flags become redundant, and the resulting stored procedures will adopt the names of their respective files.

  • When compiling from Cypher code, the optimization rules defined under compiler.planner will be taken into account to generate a more efficient program.

  • The compilation process described above will automatically enable the compiled stored procedures (the subsequent section will instruct how to enable stored procedures). If you wish to compile without enabling them, use the --compile_only flag.

For example, You can compile the actor procedure on the builtin movies graph with the following command.

bin/gs_interactive procedure compile -g movies -n actor -i ./examples/movies/actor.cypher

Restart the service is necessary to activate the stored procedures:

bin/gs_interactive service restart

Enabling Stored Procedures

To enable single stored procedure, simple using:

bin/gs_interactive procedure enable -g {graph_name} -n {procedure_name}

If you want to enable multiple procedures at once, just using the following command:

# enable all procedures listed in stored_procedures.yaml
bin/gs_interactive procedure enable -g {graph_name} -c stored_procedures.yaml
# or use comma to separate procedure names for -n option
bin/gs_interactive procedure enable -g {graph_name} -n '{proc1},{proc2}'

The above stored_procedures.yaml file configures which stored procedures are enabled for the current interactive service. Here’s an example:



  • The enable functionality preserves the status of currently enabled stored procedures. In other words, a previously enabled stored procedure will remain enabled after executing the enabling command, regardless of whether it appears in the provided list or not.

Remember to restart the service for the enabling to take effect.

Disabling Stored Procedures

To disable a single stored procedures, simply using:

bin/gs_interactive procedure disable -g {graph_name} -n {procedure_name}

If you want to disable multiple procedures at once, just using the following command:

# disable all procedures listed in stored_procedures.yaml
bin/gs_interactive procedure disable -g movies -c stored_procedures.yaml
# or use comma to separate procedure names for -n option
bin/gs_interactive procedure disable -g {graph_name} -n '{proc1},{proc2}'

For example, you can disable actor procedure via the following YAML file.


The following command makes it easy to disable all stored procedures:

# `-a` will yield any given list via `-c`
bin/gs_interactive procedure disable -g {graph_name} -a

Remember to restart the service for the disabling to take effect.

Viewing Enabled Stored Procedures

To view the currently enabled stored procedures of the given graph after starting the service, execute:

# show the procedures for a specified graph
bin/gs_interactive procedure show -g {graph_name}
# show the procedures for the builtin graph
bin/gs_interactive procedure show

This command provides a list of all active (enabled) stored procedures with their metadata including names and descriptions in your GraphScope Interactive instance.

Or, in the Cypher shell, run:

@neo4j> Show Procedures;

Querying Stored Procedures

Once you’ve enabled a stored procedure, you can easily invoke it using its designated name and required parameters within the Cypher shell. For instance:

@neo4j> CALL actor(1L);
# The capitalized "L" ensures that the vertex_id is passed to the engine as a long type.

Ensure that the name and data type of the parameters align with what was specified during the procedure’s compilation, whether in the Cypher or C++ file.