Performance Tuning#

Memory footprint and performance on large-scale graph data are the keys to the success of graph analysis in real-world scenarios. In this section, We’ll go through the internal design of the property graph data structure in GraphScope, analyze the impact factor of memory footprint and performance, and finally give some suggestions on how to optimize the performance and reduce the memory usage of graph analysis.

Memory Footprint of Property Graphs#

We first dive into the detailed design of the property graph data structure to see how it is stored in memory and which factors affect the memory footprint.

Property graph data structure#

GraphScope uses the ArrowFragment data structure defined in Vineyard for its property graphs. Basically, the ArrowFragment has the following members:

  • Indexers: the vertices in the user input graphs are natural integral numbers or strings. To make the graph analytical processing efficient, we need to map the original IDs in the user input to a consecutive range of integral numbers. This process requires a data structure called VertexMap, which is basically a hashmap which maps the original vertex ID to the internal vertex ID and an array which record the original vertex IDs in each partition.

    • o2g_<fragment_id>_<vertex_label>: vertices in each partition for each label has such a hashmap. The hashmap is either flatten hashmap or perfect hashmap.

      The key type of the hashmap is the same with the original vertex IDs (usually int64_t or std::string_view) and the value type is the internal vertex ID (usually uint64_t).

    • oid_arrays_<fragment_id>_<vertex_label>: arrays for original vertex IDs in each partition for each label.

      The type of this array is the same with the original vertex IDs (usually int64_t or string).

  • Topologies: the first major part of the property graph is the topology: it basically a CSR (Compressed Sparse Row Format) matrix:

    • incoming edges: each (src_type, edge_type) pair has a CSR matrix for its incoming edges. The CSR matrix consists of a indptr array and a indices array:

      • ie_lists_-<vertex_label>-<edge_label>: the indptr array, each element in the indptr array is a (neighbor_vertex_id, edge_table_index) pair where the first the neighbor vertex id and the second is the index points to the corresponding edge table.

        By default, the type of neighbor_vertex_id is uint64_t or uint32_t and the type of edge_table_index is size_t.

        The size of the indptr array is num_edges.

      • ie_offsets_lists_-<vertex_label>-<edge_label>: the indices array, each element in the indices array is an offset, and the slice ie_lists[ie_offsets[i]:ie_offsets[i+1]] is the edges for vertex i.

        By default, the type of offset is size_t.

        The size of indices array is num_vertices + 1, which is a 0-based offset array.

    • outgoing edges: a CSR matrix, same as the incoming edges, but for outgoing edges of current partition.

      • oe_lists_-<vertex_label>-<edge_label>: the indptr array, each element in the indptr array is a (neighbor_vertex_id, edge_table_index) pair where the first the neighbor vertex id and the second is the index points to the corresponding edge table.

        By default, the type of neighbor_vertex_id is uint64_t or uint32_t and the type of edge_table_index is size_t.

        The size of the indptr array is num_edges.

      • oe_offsets_lists_-<vertex_label>-<edge_label>: the indices array, each element in the indices array is an offset, and the slice oe_lists[oe_offsets[i]:oe_offsets[i+1]] is the edges for vertex i.

        By default, the type of offset is size_t.

        The size of indices array is num_vertices + 1, which is a 0-based offset array.

  • Properties: the second part of the property graph is the properties: each vertex label and each edge label has a table for its properties:

    • edge_tables_-<edge_label>: tables for edge properties, each edge label has such a table;

    • vertex_tables_-<vertex_label>: tables for vertex properties, each vertex label has such a table.

Memory usage estimation#

The memory usage of a given fragment with vertex number V, edge number E, original ID type OID_T and internal ID type VID_T can be estimated as:

  • Indexers:

    • with flatten hashmap: (sizeof(OID_T) + sizeof(VID_T) + sizeof(uint8_t)) * V / load_factor;

      From the observation in our practices, the load_factory is usually within the range of [0.4, 0.5].

    • with perfect hashmap: (sizeof(OID_T) * V) * (1 + overhead).

      In practice the overhead is usually within the range of [0.15, 0.2].

  • Topologies:

    • incoming edges: (sizeof(VID_T) + sizeof(size_t)) * E + sizeof(size_t) * (V+1);

    • outgoing edges: same as incoming edges, (sizeof(VID_T) + sizeof(size_t)) * E + sizeof(size_t) * (V+1).

  • Properties:

    • edge properties: depends on how many edge properties you have.

      In GraphScope, by default the an extra column edge_id property (of type int64_t) will be generated and added to the edge table as a unique identifier for each edge.

    • vertex properties: depends on how many vertex properties you have.

      In GraphScope, by default the original vertex ID is kept as a property in the vertex table as well.

Optimizing Memory Usage#

Based on the above analysis, we summary the optimization tips of reducing fragment memory footprint as follows:

  • Optimizing indexers:

    • Use perfect hashmap. It is not the default option but can be enabled by the argument use_perfect_hash=True in graphscope.g() and graphscope.load_from().

      As analyzed above, the perfect hashmap can reduce the memory footprint of vertex map for a really large margin.

    • Use local vertex map. GraphScope internally has two kinds of vertex map implemented, the former is called GlobalVertexMap which stores all vertices in all fragments in the indexer, the later is called LocalVertexMap which only stores related vertices (vertices that has edges between inner vertices of current fragment) in the indexer.

      The LocalVertexMap is not the default option but can be enabled by the argument vertex_map="local" in graphscope.load_from(). The LocalVertexMap is suitable for graphs which will scales to many nodes (e.g., dozens or hundreds of workers), but it does has some limitations on the flexibility that can only used when loading graphs using graphscope.load_from() and repeatedly add_vertices/edges() are not supported.

  • Optimizing topologies:

    • GraphScope uses uint64_t as the VID_T (internal vertex id) to support large-scale graphs. However, from above analysis, the type of VID_T is one of the key factors that affects the memory footprint of the topology part.

      If you are sure your graph is fairly small (less than 10^8 of vertices, the absolute value depends on number of labels and number of partitions), you can use int32_t as the VID_T to optimize the memory usage, by vid_type="int32_t" option in graphscope.g() and graphscope.load_from().s

    • GraphScope supports options compact_edges=True in graphscope.g() and graphscope.load_from() to compact the ie_lists and oe_lists arrays using delta and varint encoding. Such compression can half the memory footprint of the topology part, but has overhead in computation during traversing the fragment that can up to 20%.

  • Optimize properties:

    • The generation of edge_id column in the edge tables can be avoided by the argument generated_eid=False in graphscope.g() and graphscope.load_from(). This helps a a lot (saves sizeof(size_t) * E) if your edges doesn’t much many properties and you only need to run efficient analytical jobs.

      Note that if you intend to run interactive queries on the graph, the argument generated_eid must be True.

    • The preservation of vertex_id column in the vertex tables can be avoided by the argument retain_oid=False in graphscope.g() and graphscope.load_from(). It helps not very much (saves sizeof(OID_T) * V) but the gain can be more significant if your graph has low E/V ratio (graphs has many vertices and not so many edges).

      Note that if you intend to run interactive queries on the graph, the argument retain_oid must be True.

Optimizing Performance of Graph Analytics#

GraphScope supports analytical applications on both ArrowFragment graphs with many vertex labels, edge labels, and properties, as well as ArrowProjectedFragment graphs with only one vertex label, one edge label, and at most one property for each vertex and edge.

  • The analytical applications on ArrowFragment requires an implicit “flatten” process to make it a ArrowFlattenFragment.

    The ArrowFlattenFragment can be thought as a “view” on the property graph ArrowFragment. It is mainly for compatibility purpose and has performance penalty for traversing. In practice if the performance of analytical applications is critical, flatten fragments should be avoid and projected fragments should be used instead.

  • The analytical applications on ArrowProjectFragment requires an implicit “project” process to create the ArrowProjectedFragment. This process involves traversing the edges and generating a new offsets arrays.

    To optimizing the run time in cases where you need to run many different algorithms on the same graph using the same projection settings, it is preferred to project the fragment explicitly to ArrowProjectFragment first to avoid the overhead of the “project” process. i.e.,

    Instead of:

    g = ....   # fragment that can be implicit projected
    r1 = sssp(g, src=1)
    r2 = pagerank(g)
    r3 = wcc(g)

    You should first project it explicitly:

    g = ....   # fragment that can be implicit projected
    projected_g = g._project_to_simple()
    r1 = sssp(projected_g, src=1)
    r2 = pagerank(projected_g)
    r3 = wcc(projected_g)

When apply analytical algorithms on ArrowFragment, if (1) it has only one vertex label, (2) it has only one edge label, and (3) each vertex and edge has at most one property, then the ArrowProjectedFragment will be generated, otherwise, the ArrowFlattenFragment will be used.