Encoder and Decoder

Encoder Class

class gs_interactive.client.utils.Encoder(endian='little')[source]

A simple encoder to encode the data into bytes

__init__(endian='little') None[source]

Get the bytes from the byte array

put_byte(value: int)[source]

Put a single byte into the byte array

put_bytes(value: bytes)[source]

Put a byte array into the byte array

put_double(value: float)[source]

Put a double into the byte array, 8 bytes

put_int(value: int)[source]

Put an integer into the byte array, 4 bytes

put_long(value: int)[source]

Put a long integer into the byte array, 8 bytes

put_string(value: str)[source]

Put a string into the byte array, first put the length of the string, then the string

Decoder Class

class gs_interactive.client.utils.Decoder(byte_array: bytearray, endian='little')[source]

A simple decoder to decode the bytes into data

__init__(byte_array: bytearray, endian='little') None[source]
get_byte() int[source]

Get a single byte from the byte array

returns: int

get_bytes(length: int) bytes[source]

Get a byte array from the byte array

returns: A byte array

get_double() float[source]

Get a double from the byte array, 8 bytes

returns: float

get_int() int[source]

Get an integer from the byte array, 4 bytes

returns: int

get_long() int[source]

Get a long integer from the byte array, 8 bytes

returns: int

get_string() str[source]

Get a string from the byte array, first get the length of the string, then the string

returns: str

is_empty() bool[source]

Whether the byte array is empty